
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Team Carter

We already had a chore chart, it was just not being used, so I cleared it off and started fresh. I have two girls, ages 4 and 5. They each had a chart, with a blank one underneath that was to hold all the magnets, these are now my husband and mine. We each picked a chore to do for the week. One person is the chore monitor, in charge of asking if each person did their chore for the day and giving them a smiling face magnet. To my surprise, the chores that my daughters picked were washing dishes for the 4 year old, and taking care of the cats for my 5 year old, and yes I did explain that that meant scooping the litter box, she said that that was her favorite part. 10 years my husband and I have had issues with who was going to scoop the litter box, who knew that our 5 year old would love it!

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